Norberto Franco Cisneros
The Elder Poet

Our Dying-Seas Painting by Norberto Franco Cisneros
The brook follows the path of least resistance
It does not confront obstacles
It embraces themNature knows not war
The landscape is tranquil, peaceful
Nature likes it that way
Rolling shades of green sprinkling the velvet hills with
A myriad of colorful flowers
Brighten the spirit of the rainbow
The eye follows the brook’s unimpeded meandering path
A Monarch jig-jaggedly flies in glee
Its life will shortly come to an end but
That’s Nature’s way too
Clear water caresses the rocks underneath it,
Whispering sweet, gurgling, purling sounds
Its watery arms embracing the smooth stones
As it fills the cracks between them
A dark brown and brittle dry leaf
Detached by a tender wind floats
Softly landing on a fallen twig
It remembers where it came from
This is Nature making love with passion
Subtleties which go unnoticed to the eye
Are nevertheless relevant
In their spirit
As life unfolds its evolution
When we make love – Who sees us?
Sometimes we don’t even see each other
We often forget that love is tender, giving, nurturing and healing
Nature knows this
Why don’t we?
An emotional soul stirring ride….you amaze me every time with your insight, and creativity…a blessing to have you here beloved Elder Poet.
Nature knows not war.